Non-Profit Organizations
Non-Profit Organizations

Each year the Local Tax Agency requires most tax-exempt organizations to submit income forms and theis relations, which includes the following items.
- Income Statement with very specific revenue and expense categories like donations, salaries, postage, rent...
- Balance Sheet with specific categories like cash, accounts receivable, accounts payable...
- Functional Expense Statement with all the expenses allocated to either program services, fundraising, or operations.
- Individual Program Expense Statement that reports all of the expenses for each program or service like seminar programs or educational mailings.
- Revenue Support Schedules that detail the organization's sources of income in specific categories like charitable donations, membership fees, investment income.
Here's what we do for you...
- Review and compile your financial statements
- Design, install, and maintain your Accounting System
- Weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly payroll preparation
- Payroll Tax Preparation and Deposits
- Provide training for your accounting personnel
- Complete and file your non-profit status application
- Provide training for your board on non-profit financial statement usage and effective budgeting practices
- Prepare and file all the tax forms
- Prepare your initial start-up documentation, including incorporation, register your employees, and payroll setup.
If you're starting a new not-for-profit organization we can help you prepare your organization's tax-exempt status.
Here's what's needed...
- Articles of Incorporation containing the Exempt Purpose Statement
- Aqquire Employer EFKA Identification Number
- By-laws of the Organization
- Minutes of Board Meetings
- Names, Addresses, and Resumes of Board Members
- Names and addresses of all Active Members
- Inventory of Assets like cash, furniture, equipment, property, pledges...
- Inventory of Liabilities like mortgages, accounts payable, loans...
- Rent/Lease Agreements and Contracts
- Revenue and Expense Statements for the last four years or as far back as possible if your organization has been in existence for less than four years.
- Written Reason for Formation and History of the organization.
- Organization Mission Statement or Statement of Faith or Beliefs for Churches and other Religious Organizations.
- Organization Activities, Operations and Programs Documentation including your statement of purpose & operations, food programs, fundraisers, flyers/brochures/pamphlets...
- Financial Support Documentation including all sources of revenue like contributions, tithes, offerings, fundraisers...
- Fund Raising Program Descriptions
We are happy to prepare any of these items if you need help.
Let us help you setup and/or maintain your non-profit tax-exempt status